Alcohol, It is known that when sprinkled into a wet wash of color creates a texture. It repels the paint and pushes it aside. But the effect is different if you sprinkle alcohol first, and then add the paint.
When alcohol is sprayed onto the wet pigment, it causes a "foam" appearance and is great when painting water that is rushing over rocks, ocean waves, etc.
When it is applied to dry paper, and then the paint is applied, it seems to leave dark spots on the page. This is not always the case. It may have to do with the sizing in the paper. You just need to try it first on a scrap of paper like the one you are painting on, so you can better see the result you will get
This technic is regarding to mix wáter and alcohol (5:1 - 7:1) to break the paint when it is applied into the paper not for all colors applied but the dark ones to suggest branches, flowers at the distance leaves etc.
This is the result of this particular technique:
Main Steps;
Planing ahead; Alchol & wáter will be used previously mixed in a container check results in advance
left side is how indigo color break with 5:1 (wáter & alcohol) rigth side is plain wáter same color
1.- Step; Masking fluid should be applied to totally dry paper, and allowed to dry totally before applying paint over the top..-It is used for keeping the white of the paper in difficult areas, so that you can paint freely without destroying the White. I splattered to maintain small spots of white mainly into the field
Watercolor application in a very loose way
How it looks once it is dry
2nd Step.- Now the alcohol diluted it was used partially just into the darker colors with a fan brush ( indigo color, within the paint) this is how it looks
Branches are same color but without alcohol
Important note.- I had to take away part of the masking fluid to integrate by steps, my mistake was to take away all the masking fluid
3rd Step.- Adding dots of color (orange and yellow) to suggest Autumn leaves), Tissue paper is useful in creating textures in foliage, rocks, etc. The paint on the surface should not be so wet that it is still shining or you would pick up all the paint with the tissue, pick up more color from the distance to integrate hues
Elaborating more branching details and defining birds over the dry tree
4Th Step (optional) I prepare yellow and orange wáter soluble ink diluted previously with wáter approx.- 10 :1 and tested before over same paper through the help of spray plastic bottle.- this type of glazing will help to créate and integrate a soft colorish atmosphere into my painting.- the color should be pale enough in order do not disturbe some of my painting watercolors
5th Step.- Spray in selective áreas placing the painting in a verical way with one of your hands and spraying with the other one to avoid stain dots
"Autumn mornings; Sunshine and crisp air
birds and calmness; loveliest and colorful season"
Final notes; As I took away all masking fluid I didn´t left White or bright ligth spots for the end giving more life to my painting and also I noted that it will be better to define some leaves at the foreground for a better shape suggestion - so take in account (^^)//
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