This method is quite simple, but results are amazing
I prepare a graphical step by step painting, mixing just 2 watercolors raw umber and ultramarine blue
Material needed is canvas on cardboard, masking tape and 2 spatulas and 2 round brushes médium and fine sizes, light modeling paste, pencil and pen
This is the result to apply this technic;
1st Step.- There are many brands of modeling paste, like Golden, Politec etc. I rather use the ligth one among them, all you need to start is to frame your canvas in cardboard with grey masking tape, and with pencil sketch the planning idea
2nd Step.- Once you has been pencil sketched,(I do not recommend using graphite transfer paper as it leaves behind a greasy residue that will not lift.) Rather reafirm the minimal lines you need with a pen, The light modeling paste (MP) texture once applied and dried is semi- transparent .- the pencil is difficult to see but the pen is still visible after MP application and it is flexible in case you want to paint over paper instead canvas with none issue at all
Paint with watercolors as you normally would. Paint right over the molding paste
Tip 1.- you can start to give color adding watercolor into the MP and take advantage of the MP White natural color to cover the lighted áreas
Ongoing process
Process completed
Tip 2.- As you can see MP left a rough surface, so I wet my fingers a Little bit and before the MP became dry - I smooth the surface to make easier and better my paint (depending in what you are looking for)
A better picture of this condition;
4th Step.- After allow to dry thoroughly (8 hours at least) with a small spatula I´m adding more MP body to this painting (I´m looking for a 3D expression), trying not to overdue
5th Step.- Again wait to be completely dry .----- Then brown and ultramarine blue watercolors works fine together to produce shadowing without any mate or opaque colors so I´m mixing accordingly regarding the figure and light sourcing
Tip 3.- Carefully lift off any mistakes with a damp (not wet!) brush. For correcting larger areas, lift in small sections at a time with a firm brush, then blot gently with a paper towel to remove pigment. You can also scrub or scrape as a texturing technique or to remove mistakes. The ground is soft enough that you can scrape with your fingernails if nothing else is Handy
6th Step.- Even you can still add MP as you need to highlight some needed spots after watercoloring
7th Step.- Final touchs and take away the tape masking frame
"The First Kiss"
Bonus Painting (same technic but now over Stardream colored paper 105Lb
Same colors plus a dab of viridian, cerulean and light yellow for final touch
"Art expression lies in conveying emotions"
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