This is the result of this exercise;
Material needed; paper cold press 240 gr
watercolors used; Raw umber; Payne´s grey; turquoise; White; phtalo Green
Scotch tape
round brushes 12 & 3
Masking fluid
1st step.- The sand área has been washed with raw umber & payne´s grey mix in a random shape way, over previous Little different shape drops of masking fluid all over this área
Payne´s grey has been using to delimit sand from wáter foam, and to créate some closer wave shadowings
2nd Step.- For the sky the color of the sea its going to be reflected on it, so I mix again Payne´s grey with a dab of turquoise and I start to added from left side in a previously wet área of this paper which I did with the help of a sponge then I tilted the paper so the gravity will help for color transition thru all sky section, as the paper dries I didn´t touch anything but I suggest some clouds with the help of an absorbent paper .- (then let dry throughly)
3rd Step.- Above the sand wash as it is.- I added more dots of masking fluid (diluted 1:1) to spattering into the beach surface (protecting previously the sea and sky áreas with another papers)
4th Step; the tricky part;(I recommend you need to make some tests previously) there is a moment not so wet but also not so dry where you can pull out color leaving different spot tones behind .- just put the scoth above the sand área and pull out in a perpendicular way (see results within the next picture) it all depends in masking fluid location to help you out with texturization
5th Step.- painting needs some subject of attention so I added a figure as its gona be dark there is no problem to add into the sea beach (you can planning ahead with masking fluid also will be better)
6th Step.- Final and reinforcement color touches (and take away all masking fluid from the beach)
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