jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Ref 1105.- Watercolor// Applying watercolor through soapy wáter

Soap gives body to the paint, preventing it from spreading. Working with watercolor mixed with soap is similar to painting with impasto. Because of the extra body provided by the soap, brush strokes remain distinct and obvious even when they overlap a previoius stroke and even when the strokes are painted wet on wet.

Drop soapy water onto a wash and then paint across it with a brush. The soap will disperse the paint and stop it from flowing back into the área
And this is the result to paint with soapy wáter into the Green background:

Graphical steps
Planning ahead .- masking fluid location and payne´s grey watercoloring sketch

Adding soapy wáter into the background (delimiting áreas for painting addition as next step)

The colors addition make some lumps making more easy to suggest varied vegetation

Making color variation as it dries, and defining shapes

Final steps; take away the masking fluid for additional shadowing here and there
to créate distance perspective I moistured paper to lift out color from the distance (upper side of my painting)

                         " - Delta Uniform Charlie Kilo, cleared to land.
                                              -- Roger that "

Final thougths.- I practically undo the soapy wáter effect with color paper lifting out.-  so I´ll be practicing in a different next painting again either spattering soap onto the wet wash. Where ever the soap lands, it will push the paint away and/or mixing the soap and paint so there are lots of bubbles. Paint with this bubbly mixture. When the bubbles pop, they create additional texture. (If you want to avoid the effect of bubbles, and also mix the soap gently or allow it to stand until all the bubbles have burst before you paint

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